
Showing posts from August, 2017

5 Natural Hair Tips

So you're transitioning. In my opinion, it was one of the hardest parts of going natural. You have to resist the urge to put heat on your have to deal with different hair textures (curly roots, wavy middle and straight ends)...& my personal favorite, if you're in the south, you have to worry about everyone's mouth *rolls eyes*. It's okay. Take a deep breath. I understand your pain. Here are 5 tips to help you along the way: 1) Protective Styles: Whenever I was transitioning, I wore sew-ins faithfully. Every month, I had my mom doing my hair. Now I didn't realize that I was still damaging my hair by straightening the leave out but it was better than getting a relaxer. Protective styles such as sew-ins, braids, twist, etc. protect the ends of your hair which is the oldest part of your hair. Have you ever heard that your hair grows the fastest when you leave it alone? Well that isn't a myth. 2) Avoid Heat: Heat is extremely damaging to the

I'll Trust You, Lord.

Count Your Blessings Recently, I've had to count my blessings. I mean literally count my blessings: 1) God woke me up this morning 2) God has been faithful to me all my life even when I disobeyed Him. He was right there with open arms, waiting for me to come home. 3) He provided me with a loving family who would do anything for me. 4) He allowed me to go to college and have an apartment. 5) He places me around people who care. 6) He rescued me from the depressing sea of sorrow. 7) He blessed me with an amazing dog. 8) He has provided me with good health 9) He leaves His Word marked on my heart when I don't know what else to confide in. 10) He loves me beyond measure. These are just some of the blessings that God has granted me. Sometimes, dealing with anxiety and life in general (which is still kinda anxiety) can be overwhelming. But when I look at my blessings...I know that God has done and can do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or think (Ephes